Народність, така велика, така багата змістом та життєвими силами, не знищеними століттями насильницького гноблення, не може бути доведена до небуття гнітом і заборонами.

Усі ці утиски можуть лише затримати її розвиток, але не більше, і, кінець кінцем, вона не може не взяти свого.

Факти останнього часу утверджують у непорушному переконанні, що широкий і всебічний розвиток української народності — лише питання часу, мабуть — дуже недалекого часу.

(Михайло Грушевський, Нариси історії українського народу, 1904/2013)


On September 15, 2019, prominent historian Mark von Hagen (1954–2019) passed away

  •   15 September 2019
  •    News

15 вересня 2019 р. пішов з життя видатний історик Марк Фон Хаген (1954–2019)


In Memoriam Mark von Hagen (1954–2019)

The American Association for Ukrainian Studies mourns the passing of Mark von Hagen, one of the leading US historians working on Ukrainian themes, past president of the International Association for Ukrainian Studies (2002–2005), and past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (now ASEEES, 2010).

With the death of Mark von Hagen, the academic community, and Ukrainian scholarship in particular, has lost a distinguished historian, a brilliant intellectual, and a leading figure in the furthering of Ukrainian studies in the US and abroad. As director of the Harriman Institute he forged the future of Ukrainian studies at Columbia, as president of the International Association for Ukrainian Studies he contributed to international scholarly collaboration, and more recently as a dean at the Free Ukrainian University in Munich, he helped to sustain the future of an important European educational center, training Ukrainian scholars. Throughout his career as educator, he reached out to train hundreds of young historians, guiding many of the them in their research in Ukrainian history.

Mark von Hagen was born in Cincinnati; his father was in the military, so the family moved often, eventually settling in Colorado. He received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown, followed by an M.A. in Slavic from Indiana and a Ph.D. in History from Stanford. He taught at Columbia University from 1985 to 2009, and then at Arizona State University from 2009 until his retirement earlier this year, while simultaneously holding the position of a dean at the Free Ukrainian University. At Columbia, Prof. von Hagen served from 1989 to 2001 as the associate director and then director of the Harriman Institute, and played a key role in Columbia’s strong investment in Ukrainian Studies both at that time and up till now. He continued strong involvement in Ukrainian Studies at Arizona State as well.

Prof. von Hagen’s contributions to Ukrainian Studies are numerous. As a scholar, he is perhaps best remembered for his article with a provocative title “Does Ukraine Have a History?” published in Slavic Reviewin 1995, accompanied by a cluster of responses by other leading scholars. It led to a fundamental rethinking of the role and place of Ukraine in Western historical scholarship. In the late 1990s—early 2000s he was among the scholars who pioneered postcolonial approaches to the study of the Soviet empire. His many co-edited volumes include After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building(1997), Culture, Nation, and Identity: The Ukrainian-Russian Encounter(2003), Russian Empire: Space, People, Power(2007), and Empire and Nationalism at War(2014). His lifelong interest in research on World War I led to the publication of his monograph War in a European Borderland: Occupations and Occupation Plans in Galicia and Ukraine, 1914-1918(2007). At the time of his death, he was working on a manuscript on Ukraine during the struggle for independence in 1917-1921, which will hopefully see its publication soon. In 2003, Prof. von Hagen was commissioned by The New York Times to study the role of Walter Duranty, the paper’s Moscow correspondent in the 1930s, in covering up the tragedy of the Holodomor. Duranty’s win of the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting from the Soviet Union was extremely controversial, and Prof. von Hagen, after carefully examining the evidence, recommended that Duranty’s prize be revoked. While his advice was not followed, Prof. von Hagen’s report helped bring worldwide attention to Holodomor and its lasting tragic consequences.

Many AAUS members treasure memories of Mark von Hagen’s friendliness and warmth, his hospitality, good humor, and his legendary accordion playing skills. We are especially grateful for his tireless work as IAUS president aimed at reforming and modernizing Ukrainian academic institutions. His contribution to Ukrainian Studies in the US and in the West more broadly over the past three decades is hard to overestimate. Вічная пам'ять!

Oxana Shevel, AAUS President
Paul D'Anieri, AAUS Vice President
Vitaly Chernetsky, AAUS Past President
Alexandra Hrycak, AAUS Past President
Myroslava Tomorug Znayenko, AAUS Past President

Джерело: http://ukrainianstudies.org/index.php