Народність, така велика, така багата змістом та життєвими силами, не знищеними століттями насильницького гноблення, не може бути доведена до небуття гнітом і заборонами.

Усі ці утиски можуть лише затримати її розвиток, але не більше, і, кінець кінцем, вона не може не взяти свого.

Факти останнього часу утверджують у непорушному переконанні, що широкий і всебічний розвиток української народності — лише питання часу, мабуть — дуже недалекого часу.

(Михайло Грушевський, Нариси історії українського народу, 1904/2013)


About the Institute


Institute of History of Ukraine - research institution that examines a wide range of issues of national history. Established in 1936 Since 1953 - Institute of History of the USSR; from 1990 the current name - the Institute of History of Ukraine USSR (from 1991 - Academy of Ukraine, from 1994 - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

After the restoration of state independence of Ukraine Institute of History of Ukraine received a number of important research results, including analysis of the role and place of Ukraine in the European and global historical context over the last millennium national history; studied the phenomenon of Ukrainian Cossacks; studied the origin and evolution of Ukrainian state idea, the implementation of which is traced by the example of the National Revolution 1648-1676 gg., day Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921. and modern state. Among the significant achievements of the Institute - the collective monograph "Essays on the history of the Ukrainian national movement" (1994), "Essays on the History of Ukrainian intelligentsia (the first half of the twentieth century.)" (1994), "History of Ukraine: new vision" (in 2 vols. ; 1995-1996); a two-volume collection of documents "Ukrainian Central Rada" (1996-1997); collective monograph "Ukrainian issue in Empire (late XIX - early XX century." (1999), "Essays on the History of Diplomacy Ukraine" (2001), "Ukraine: Establishment of Independent States (1991-2001)" (2001) "Governments Ukraine in the twentieth century. "(2001), documentary collection" Ukrainian national liberation movement, March - November 1917 "(2003)," Ukrainian culture of the second half XVII - XVIII century. "(Volume 3 five-volume" History of Ukrainian culture ", 2003)," Ukraine and Russia historically: Essays in 3 t. "(2004), collections of documents" Crimean Tatars: a way to return: Crimean Tatar national movement through the eyes of Soviet special services (second half of 1940 -x - early 1990s.) "(2004) and" The directory Council of People's Ministers of the Ukrainian People's Republic. November 1918 - November 1920 "(2006), the book" History of Ukrainian Cossacks: Essays in 2 vols. "(2006-2007)," History of Ukrainian peasantry: Essays in 2 t. "(2006) and others.

Significant achievements in research institutions the modern history of Ukraine, especially in the history of Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921 .; establishment and operation of a totalitarian state repression in the country 1920 - 1950., the dissident movement 1960-1980's. This issue is devoted to the collective work "repressed Nandigram 20-30-ies." (1991), " Political terror and terrorism in Ukraine nineteenth and twentieth centuries .: Historical essays "(2002) and others. Institute of History of Ukraine is co-founder of scientific and documentary journal "Archives VUChK-GPU-NKVD-KGB" (published since 1994). Thoroughly researched by scientists-historians, hunger 1921-1923 gg. Famine of 1932-1933. And the famine of 1946-1947. Ukraine. Actively developed at the Institute of History of World War II, including the contribution of Ukraine and Ukrainian victory in the history of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). New approaches to interpreting the history of Ukraine synthesized in a 15-volume edition of "Ukraine through the ages" (1998-2000) (State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 2001).