Народність, така велика, така багата змістом та життєвими силами, не знищеними століттями насильницького гноблення, не може бути доведена до небуття гнітом і заборонами.

Усі ці утиски можуть лише затримати її розвиток, але не більше, і, кінець кінцем, вона не може не взяти свого.

Факти останнього часу утверджують у непорушному переконанні, що широкий і всебічний розвиток української народності — лише питання часу, мабуть — дуже недалекого часу.

(Михайло Грушевський, Нариси історії українського народу, 1904/2013)


Ukraine in the World: Fifty Years of Ukrainian Studies at Harvard


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Ukrainian studies at Harvard University. In the last five decades, scholars associated with Harvard have been at the forefront of changes in the fields of Slavic and East European studies by opening new horizons, suggesting new topics, proposing novel approaches to the study of Ukrainian history, literature, and philology as well as neighboring fields in the humanities and social sciences.

To celebrate this milestone, HURI will hold a two-day commemorative conference, “UKRAINE IN THE WORLD: Fifty Years of Ukrainian Studies at Harvard University,” in Cambridge on May 11-12, 2018. The conference is free and open to the public.

HURI convenes the conference to honor the vision of the founders of Ukrainian studies at Harvard, especially professors Omeljan Pritsak and Ihor Sevcenko; the dedication of the members of the Ukrainian community, who made Ukrainian studies at Harvard possible though their generous donations; and the first generation of scholars and students associated with the Ukrainian Research Institute, who helped put Ukrainian studies on the map of American and world academia. In addition to discussions on the history of Ukrainian studies at Harvard, the conference will also devote a number of panels to discussing the current state and future direction of various fields within Ukrainian studies.

The preliminary conference program is as follows. Registration for the conference, though not required, is greatly appreciated for planning purposes.

Read more: http://www.huri.harvard.edu/news/news-from-huri/33...

Вікно в Америку. Український Гарвард. Осередок українознавства у провідному університеті світу